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Using TCG to independently reconcile the bytes used against the bytes billed by the network for data metering assurance

The Need for Mobile Application Testing

Many were first introduced to Applications when the original iPhone was launched back in 2007. Applications had been around long before then of course, but it was the first time that most of us started to hear and use the term ‘app’. Fast-forward into 2022, and we now live in an age where using an app is not unusual, it is rather the primary use of our mobile phone data usage.

The need for App testing becomes more apparent with every passing year, with the complete adoption of smartphones & tablets into daily life and the rollout of the Internet Of Things (IoT). The popularity of apps is sometimes encouraged when operators offer app-based incentives, for example, either free-to-browse apps or app-specific bundles. The only way to test this traffic is to use the app as it was intended…

Our app testing focuses on the metering and billing accuracy of the applications usage. Our Osprey™ Test Call Generation tool is industry-leading, able to test every business rule created by our global customers and marketing teams.

Data Metering Assurance - TCG App Testing

We reverse engineer the data consumption for each app, validating the business rules that are applied, whether known or unknown!

App Testing with Test Call Generation

Key Features

Metering Verification

Traffic Classification Verification

Bundle Application

Rating Verification of App Traffic

Reverse Engineered Business Rule Reporting

Compliance of Controls Tested

Certified Metering Accuracy

Bundles and Promotions

Daily, weekly and monthly bundles

Any bundle reset value e.g.100GB, unlimited

Bundle expiry times fully configurable

Rollover value verification

Bundle activation via USSD and SMS

Shared user bundles

Cascading Bundles

Data Metering Assurance - Handset Apps

App Testing - How it Works

Roscom’s Osprey™ TCG uses the app running in its native environment to generate real app traffic, verifying multiple areas of accuracy and ensuring the correct billing outcome for the user and network.

A trend has emerged where marketing strategies use app-specific free browsing offers for apps that are popular locally. These apps need to be assured e.g. such as Facebook, YouTube and many other social media platforms.

Roscom continue to work with many global telecom operators to identify issues with mobile applications metering and billing, detected by the Osprey™ TCG solution.