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Fraud Assurance that helps you search, detect and act against fraud using our global TCG footprint

Telecom Fraud

For many years, the telecommunications industry has suffered enormous losses due to fraudulent activities which continues to grow and evolve. Fraudster attack vectors can include weak processes, missing controls, technical weaknesses and of course by exploiting people.

Roscom have supported many global clients with Fraud Assurance activities. Below are the risk areas we currently assure…

Fraud Assurance - Management

Fraud Assurance Risk Areas

International Revenue Share Fraud

International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF) costs businesses nearly five billion dollars each year. Fraudsters make money by generating bogus phone calls to international premium rate numbers you have paid for as a business.

Premium rate number services are a popular business model because they are so easy to use and simple to put in place. But it’s the simplicity which makes them a lucrative target for fraudsters. The caller is faced with a large bill for the unauthorised calls while the cheats collect a pay-out from the company that owns the premium rate number. They win You lose.

Top 5 International Revenue Share Fraud scams:

  • Taking advantage of an unintended or misconfigured cheap calling rate to the terminating party, allowing the terminating party to collect more revenue than the originating party spends making the call.
  • Making the call on someone else’s account. Typically using a stolen handset or hacked PBX.
  • Tricking a normal subscriber into calling a revenue share number (E.g. Wangiri)
  • Setting up a post-pay subscriber with no intention of ever paying the bill.
  • Acquiring free airtime through stolen top-ups or internal fraud.
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International & Domestic Bypass Fraud & SIM Box Activity

Bypass fraud is the deliberate routing of voice traffic for in-country termination to avoid international toll gateway interconnection points. Calls are diverted over alternate routes and placed on the terminating network at the cheapest call rate possible.

The presence of bypass prevents the destination network from collecting valid billable incoming international minutes. The bypass network (BPN) is established as an unlicensed operation, thus operating outside regulatory, legal, commercial and other government controls.

Bypass Fraud Types

  • OTT Application – Originating subscriber calls an E164 number but the call is hijacked and terminated on an OTT application.
  • Preferred Partner Refiling – Where a CLI is changed by one of the interconnect partners / fraudster to mislead the terminating network.
  • Re-Originating Calling – Traditional MSC SIM box bypass. International call is hijacked and the final leg is terminated as a local call.
  • Unsanctioned or Ghost Routing – Call passed to the terminating network via a misconfigured or unsanctioned route.
Bypass fraud scaled graphic

Our Fraud Assurance Solution

The Process

Our Solution

Identify and report complex fraud issues using our in-house developed technology & techniques. It’s all in the detail – Big-data Analytics, end to end reconciliation, independent tracking/monitoring, delivering unique anomaly identification and much more.

Our Tools

Osprey™ Analytics

Uses your data to enrich and quantify your fraud testing landscape with real customer journeys.

Osprey™ TCG

Generate independent analytic-driven traffic, verifying the routing and termination of real events.

Osprey™ Reconciliation

Uses end to end data sources to reconcile and validate traffic against consumer and wholesales revenue streams that are commonly exploited by fraudsters.