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TCG Whitepaper

TCG Whitepaper – Has Your Journey Ended or Just Begun?

It’s been over 40 years since the dawn of Test Call Generators transformed (automated) the method of call testing for Telecom Operators. Used initially for fixed line testing and now more commonly used for mobile usage assurance, this tool has been a ‘constant’ in the Telecoms Industry.

The fast-paced evolution of the telecommunications industry continues to reshape our everyday lives, where everyone and everything is connected. New products, services and devices are sold to consumers who will only accept the best quality, value and experience from day one of launch.

That’s the reality, evolution and change are constant and in these overcrowded markets if operators want to succeed, they need to stay ahead of the game. Customer quality expectations are high because that’s what they’ve paid for, why wouldn’t they expect the best? And when performance doesn’t meet those standards, the regulator gets involved, or worse still the failings are publicised through the media. Either way, ultimately it results in unhappy customers and churn.

‘Right First Time’ has also never been so important; to ensure your business and customers are satisfied, with no reason to question their loyalty and trust. These consumer expectations are the key ingredients that drive success, longevity and growth in the telecoms industry.

This whitepaper explores this new era:

  • Has your journey ended? Benefits in the past, still using old, legacy, expensive TCGs that identify minimal issues due to lack of capability, improvements or upgrades.
  • Has your journey just begun? Present and future benefits, with next generation TCGs, to assure all your products and services in this new age; with cutting-edge design and future-proof capability.

The journey is certainly not over for us, as we circumnavigate the evolving telecoms landscape, and continue to improve and advance our assurance tools to support your present and future benefits.


Test calling since 1982


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