Due to the popularity of our last TCG revenue assurance study that we released back in the summer of 2020, we have decided to update it! Set for release in March, we will be publishing our latest whitepaper on the subject of test call generation (TCG), specifically applied to Revenue Assurance. The data considered in this whitepaper is comprised from the RA issues that we have identified and recorded over the last 9 years of TCG testing* (all data is anonymised).
There have been many significant advancements in technology used by telecom over recent years, and this study is a unique opportunity to study and identify trends in the type of issues found. The years covered are 2014-2022 and we will be taking a deep dive into the data set to see how trends have changed.
If you would like to reserve a copy of the whitepaper, so that you receive a copy on the day of release then please fill out the form below: