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Our Risks and Controls Portal is Now Live!

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new Risks and Controls portal. Over the past few months we have been designing and writing technical content that we believe our colleagues in the telecommunications sector will find both interesting and useful. The content is split out into a ‘Resource Hub’ and a ‘Training Hub’. Our Resource Hub content is intended for everyone and focuses on new developments, new products and our How-To news articles. Our Training Hub is designed specifically for our support clients who use our bespoke hardware and software, this will include manuals, How-To guides, and eventually video content.

In the current climate when a lot of us are newly working from home, some are finding themselves with a more flexible schedule and are making the most of this opportunity to expand their knowledge base in the industry. Therefore to provide you all with a glimpse of the type of content that will be on the portal, we have made publicly available our ‘Test Call Generation and Covid-19’ article which was written at the beginning of April 2020. This article talks about some of the risk-based changes that we have had to make regarding test call generation because of the Covid-19 outbreak.

We believe the content shared on the portal will be helpful to current, previous and potential customers of Roscom. If you would like access to the portal, please just let our Training and Compliance manager know and he can get you setup, no strings or fees attached –

To see a highlight of the current portal content and what is coming soon, please take a look at the portal login page:


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